nano sponge

Microfiber Magic Sponge Can Do What Others Cannot

Why magic sponge is called microfiber magic sponge? Why microfiber magic sponge is so miraculous that it can remove stubborn stains easily? We can recover the secret here in this artical:

1. Microfiber magic sponge is compound with nano fibers. These nano fibers are even thinner than thousandth of hair’s diameter. It is the reason magic sponge is called microfiber magic sponge.

microfiber magic sponge
Microfiber magic sponge is compound with nano fibers


2. Microfiber magic sponge is fexible enough touch the texture of surface. It is good for sponge to reach to any micro gaps of the saface and remove the stains.

magic sponge cleaning effect
Mircrofiber magic sponge can clean what others cannot.

3.Mircofiber magic sponge can remove stubborn stains more easily and quickly. The special stucture compound with nano fibers enable to microfiber magic sponge get good cleaning ability.

cleaning effect of magic sponge
The special stucture compound with nano fibers enable to microfiber magic sponge get good cleaning ability.

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