nano sponge

How does melamine sponge work

Melamine sponge, Easy Erasing Pads and similar products all have the same key ingredient: melamine sponge Melaminesponge erasers are formed differently from other cleaning products and only need water to effectively clean most stains -- no chemical cleaners or soaps required. The only downfall is that melamine sponge erasers wear out quickly -- just like pencil erasers do.

melamine sponge
Melamine sponge cleaning bathroom

To all outward appearances, however, melamine sponge erasers look and feel just like any other sponge. To view the crucial properties of melamine sponge, you need to go down to the microscopic level. This is because when melamine resin cures into foam, its microstructure becomes very hard -- almost as hard as glass -- causing it to perform on stains a lot like super-fine sandpaper. You may be asking yourself, if this foam is almost as hard as glass, then how can it be like a sponge? Because it's a special type of open-cell foam.

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