Melamine Foam Insulation
How does it work as insulation? Because the grid structure of foam inhibits the convection and heat transfer of air, it is excellently suited to being used in melamine scum insulation products. In addition, it can bear temperatures of -180 degrees Celsius up to 200 degrees Celsius.For short periods of time, melatline foam can remain stable in temperatures of 240 degrees Celsius. These characteristics make it incredibly suited to becoming scum insulation. Scum insulation is sold by a variety of retailers for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning duct lining. It is suitable to being vacuum formed, cut, coated, and waterproofed, if necessary.

Melamine Foam Insulation
Melamine Acoustic Foam
How does melatline foam work for better acoustics? Melamine acoustic scum has a structure with a high opening rate. This allows sound waves to travel deeply into the melatline acoustic foam. Once there, the sound waves simply vibrate the three dimensional grid structure of the substance. This all can sound a bit confusing. It can also keep sound waves from reflecting and causing displeasing echoes.

Melamine Acoustic Foam
Melamine Foam Eraser
There a number of products on the cleaning market now that claim to “magically” erase tough stains. The truth is, they erase the stains with melatline foam. It requires only water to clean effectively and safely. This is because of the microstructure of melamine resin that has hardened into scum is almost as hard as glass, and it performs on stains almost like very fine sand paper would. Another property of melatline scum erasers that makes them so great for cleaning is that the microstructure of melatline sponge is also open and ridden with cavities. These tiny holes give dirt a place to go and stay. Products such as the “Magic Eraser” and “Easy Erasing Pads” commonly found on grocery store cleaning isles have revolutionized cleaning with melamine scum rubbers.

Melamine Foam Eraser