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How to clean the microwaves?





Getting ready to prepare a meal and opening up the microwave to find spills, splatters and an unforgettable smell is enough to kill pretty much any appetite. You can avoid this situation by cleaning your microwave regularly. It is relatively quick and simple to do and requires only a few supplie


  • A rag, dish towel or paper towels
  • Kitchen cleaner or vinegar
  • Glass cleaner or rubbing alcohol
  • Lemon juice
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Scouring sponge or steel wool pad

Step one: Remove and wash the tray

Almost all newer microwaves have a removable revolving tray. The easiest way to wash the tray is to remove it, place it in the sink, and wash it with warm water and dish soap. You can use a steel wool pad, a sponge or even just your hands if it’s not that dirty. Be sure to dry the tray thoroughly with a dish towel or paper towel. Leave it out on the counter while you clean the rest of the microwave.

Step two: Get rid of any stray crumbs

Before you can start the heavy duty cleaning, you need to get rid of any stray food that is inside the microwave and will get in the way of your scrubbing. Sweep out the crumbs gently by using a wet paper towel or a damp rag. You can place a dust pan in front of the microwave and sweep the crumbs into it. Then you won’t have a mess on the floor to clean up later. There’s no reason to make more work for yourself.

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Step three: Remove any stuck-on food

Any food that you weren’t able to sweep out with the rag or towel, you will have to physically scrape off of the microwave’s surface. In order to avoid scratching your microwave, you can try to scratch the food off with your fingernail. You can also use a steel wool pad or the rough side of a scouring sponge. Do not use a knife or other sharp utensil.

Step four: Wash off any food or grease stains

Once you’ve removed any food that was stuck on, it should be easy to simply wipe out the rest of the microwave by using your rag or paper towels and the kitchen cleaner or a mixture of one part vinegar and two parts water. If you have a lot of grease inside the microwave that is difficult to remove with your cleaner or the vinegar solution, consider purchasing a cleaner designed specifically for this purpose, such as Simple Green microwave cleaner. Be sure to clean the inside of the roof and the inside of the door.

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