nano sponge

How to clean stove top?

There is usually  greasy on the stove top, so it is annoying when you want to clean the stove, so that how to clean the stove top becomes a big problem for many women.
If you don't remove the stains immediately, it will be very difficult to clean when the dirt dry; if only clean with a cloth with some detergent, then you will find that there is not very clearly after cleaning, so you have to use a dry cloth to clean again. 

stove top cleaning
 stove top cleaning 

Here are two ways to clean the stove top.

One is to scatter some flour on the oil greasy symetrically,and then wipe the flour back and forth with you hand and dry cloth, so you will see that the flour mixed together with oil greasy. Next is to use a wet cloth after squeezing our extra water to remove the flour, then you will find the stove top is as bright as new.

stove top cleaning

stove top cleaning 

The other way is to clean with magic melamine sponge with water only no need detergent.

magic sponge
Magic sponge 

pink color magic sponge clean stove top

magic sponge clean stove top 

how does magic sponge works?

How does magic sponge works? 

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