nano sponge

The Truth of Magic Eraser(nano sponge)

People are accustomed to thinking that every new "miraculous" product or cure-all is going to have a backlash, that anything really delightful (bacon, ice cream, margaritas, chocolate ...) is going to come with a steep payoff in health or good looks.
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I am happy to report that such is not the case with Magic Erasers. These cleaning sponges are made from melamine foam. That's right, the same material that budget dinnerware is made from.

When melamine resin cures into foam, its microstructure becomes very hard -- almost as hard as glass -- and that makes this open cell structure act on stains like super-fine sandpaper. As soon as the melamine cell structure gets wet, it breaks down into a microscopic abrasive eraser. It grabs grit and grease, then holds the dirt in the sponge to be rinsed away. Nifty!

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Rumors online indicated that these melamine foam erasers could cause serious health problems because they contained formaldehyde, and had the potential to cause chemical burns, but these turned out to be false.

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